Busy Bees Sessions for 2011-2012After making a promise to be busier this year the group is down to 6 members. This will 'encourage' us to be on our toes!
1. What does BİM represent to you? What should its role be?
Presenter: Candan Asal
Facilitator: Eda Bingöl
Date:Thursday, 17 November 2011
2. What should we be doing for gifted students and those who are less gifted?
Presenter: Esra Pamuk
Facilitator: Heather Erguvanlı
Date:Thursday, 22 December 2011
3. How can we make classroom activities accessible to a wide group of teachers?
Presenter: Murat Yanar
Facilitator: Candan Asal
Date: Thursday,16 February 2012
4. Is the level of reading comprehension in Grades 1-2-3 where it should be?
Presenter: Filiz Ababay/Esra Pamuk
Facilitator: Eda Bingöl
Date: Thursday,22 March 2012
5. What is the approach to reading comprehension in Grades 4-5 and are expectations high?
Presenter:Esra Pamuk/Filiz Ababay
Facilitator:Eda Bingöl
Date: Thursday,26 April 2012
6. What do we learn from examining a student/students' writing task?
Presenter:To be announced at a later date
Facilitator:Heather Erguvanli
Date: Thursday,17 May 2012
7. Round-up Meeting
Date:Thursday,7 June 2012
Meeting Topics for 2011-2012
Our meeting dates and topics:
Presenter: Pınar İnal Facilitator: Aylin Geron
How can we deal with impulsive students in a class setting where we want to be fair to each and every student?
Presenter: Mizan Çoşkun Facilitator: Sema Tekdoğan
We don't want our students to copy and paste in their project homework. What methods should we employ to stop this?
Presenter: Mazal Dozbahar Facilitator: Sırma Demirel
Why do teachers show resistance to change when they already have had the specific training? (Why do they only ask comprehension questions in a reading part of a test, even after their Bloom's Taxonomy training?)
Presenter: Sevda Uygun Facilitator: Mazal Dozbahar
What can we do so that students follow the instructions to do a given homework properly and correctly?
Presenter: Sevda Uygun Facilitator: Aylin Geron
Using essays written by students in a project group in 8th grade, we are going to discuss different academic levels within the same class.
Pınar İnal will have the booklets on the protocols be photocopied for the newcomers of our group.
Derya Muşkara asked us to consider this last topic as well. In the primary school, students are evaluated according to their own progress. But in fourth grade the system changes and they are tested on pass and fail grounds. This method can demotivate some of the students. We decided to talk about this issue as well.
Presenter: Pınar İnal Facilitator: Aylin Geron
How can we deal with impulsive students in a class setting where we want to be fair to each and every student?
Presenter: Mizan Çoşkun Facilitator: Sema Tekdoğan
We don't want our students to copy and paste in their project homework. What methods should we employ to stop this?
Presenter: Mazal Dozbahar Facilitator: Sırma Demirel
Why do teachers show resistance to change when they already have had the specific training? (Why do they only ask comprehension questions in a reading part of a test, even after their Bloom's Taxonomy training?)
Presenter: Sevda Uygun Facilitator: Mazal Dozbahar
What can we do so that students follow the instructions to do a given homework properly and correctly?
Presenter: Sevda Uygun Facilitator: Aylin Geron
Using essays written by students in a project group in 8th grade, we are going to discuss different academic levels within the same class.
Pınar İnal will have the booklets on the protocols be photocopied for the newcomers of our group.
Derya Muşkara asked us to consider this last topic as well. In the primary school, students are evaluated according to their own progress. But in fourth grade the system changes and they are tested on pass and fail grounds. This method can demotivate some of the students. We decided to talk about this issue as well.
Survivors's Wrap up 2010-2011
We had six sessions last year on various subjects, using various protocols:
23rd of November: We talked about dealing with different academic levels in the same classroom.
28th of December: Our discussion topic was:” how can lunch breaks be healthier and more productive for students?”
27th of January: The issue was dealing with disruptive students in the class.
22nd of February: Reactive mode versus proactive discipline methods used in the classroom.
26th of April: What can be done to motivate and challenge gifted students? The difference between the educational systems of US and Turkey and the use of project based assessment in these different cultures.
7th of June: We read articles about Cooperative Learning, choosing a word, phrase and sentence from the text to create a discussion around the topic.
What were the results of these meetings?
Our students started spending their lunch breaks outdoors.
At the beginning of the year, the class teachers of 6th, 7th and 8th grades discussed classroom rules with their students and wrote them on paper.
We are still using tickets to motivate students of different academic levels to study more. We continue working with weaker students in small groups as well.
We have planned to come together on these dates:
1st meeting 18.10.2011 Tuesday
2nd meeting 30.11.2011 Wednesday
3rd meeting 05.01.2012 Thursday
4th meeting 05.03.2012 Monday
5th meeting 27.04.2012 Friday
6th meeting 23.05.2012 Wednesday
7th meeting 06.06.2012 Wednesday (wrap up)
23rd of November: We talked about dealing with different academic levels in the same classroom.
28th of December: Our discussion topic was:” how can lunch breaks be healthier and more productive for students?”
27th of January: The issue was dealing with disruptive students in the class.
22nd of February: Reactive mode versus proactive discipline methods used in the classroom.
26th of April: What can be done to motivate and challenge gifted students? The difference between the educational systems of US and Turkey and the use of project based assessment in these different cultures.
7th of June: We read articles about Cooperative Learning, choosing a word, phrase and sentence from the text to create a discussion around the topic.
What were the results of these meetings?
Our students started spending their lunch breaks outdoors.
At the beginning of the year, the class teachers of 6th, 7th and 8th grades discussed classroom rules with their students and wrote them on paper.
We are still using tickets to motivate students of different academic levels to study more. We continue working with weaker students in small groups as well.
We have planned to come together on these dates:
1st meeting 18.10.2011 Tuesday
2nd meeting 30.11.2011 Wednesday
3rd meeting 05.01.2012 Thursday
4th meeting 05.03.2012 Monday
5th meeting 27.04.2012 Friday
6th meeting 23.05.2012 Wednesday
7th meeting 06.06.2012 Wednesday (wrap up)
Idea Under Construction 2011-2012 Akademik Yılı Toplantı Tarihleri
3 Ekim'de yaptığımız paylaşım toplantısında zor da:) olsa bu yıl yapacağımız toplantı tarihlerini belirledik. Toplantı genelde tarihler konuşulduğunda ''benim SÖK'üm var'' ''benim yarım günüm'', ''ben nöbetçiyim yetişemem'', ''OYK var'', ''seminer var'' ........ gibi cümlelerle devam etse de en zor olanı yaptık ve 6 toplantı gününü kararlaştırdık.
Bu sonuca göre işte toplantı tarihleri
26 Ekim 2011 Çarşamba
21 Kasım 2011 Ptesi
26 Aralık 2011 Ptesi
13 Şubat 2012 Ptesi
12 Mart 2012 Ptesi
14 Mayıs 2012 Ptesi
Bazı toplantıların presenter ve facilitator'ı da seçildi ama daha tam netleşmediği için onları bir sonraki toplantıdan sonra sizlerle paylaşacağız.
Tüm Professional Learning Community üyelerini saygıyla selamlıyor gözlerinden öpüyoruz.
Bu sonuca göre işte toplantı tarihleri
26 Ekim 2011 Çarşamba
21 Kasım 2011 Ptesi
26 Aralık 2011 Ptesi
13 Şubat 2012 Ptesi
12 Mart 2012 Ptesi
14 Mayıs 2012 Ptesi
Bazı toplantıların presenter ve facilitator'ı da seçildi ama daha tam netleşmediği için onları bir sonraki toplantıdan sonra sizlerle paylaşacağız.
Tüm Professional Learning Community üyelerini saygıyla selamlıyor gözlerinden öpüyoruz.
Kim Yazmış:
Tuba Aktuğ Akanlar
/ Ne Zaman Yazmış:
Tane Yorum Yazılmış.
1-2 English Teachers,
Idea Under Construction
öğrenen toplum yeni dönem çalışmaları- ortak payda uçuşta
3 Ekim Toplantımızda, Ortak payda uçuşta ekibi olarak grubumuza yeni katılan arkadaşlarla tanıştık, 10 Ekim pazartesi günü saat 10.10-10.50 'de İlköğretim Binası Koordinatör Psikolojik Danışman odasında toplanmaya karar verdik.( Bu toplantıya çalışılmak istenen konuların getirilmesini rica ediyoruz) Ayrıca diğer toplantı günlerimizi belirledik:
17 Kasım Perşembe 1. oturum
19 Aralık Pazartesi 2. oturum
22 Şubat Çarşamba 3. oturum
20 Mart Salı 4. oturum
20 Nisan Cuma 5. oturum
24 Mayıs Perşembe 6. oturum
6 Haziran
17 Kasım Perşembe 1. oturum
19 Aralık Pazartesi 2. oturum
22 Şubat Çarşamba 3. oturum
20 Mart Salı 4. oturum
20 Nisan Cuma 5. oturum
24 Mayıs Perşembe 6. oturum
6 Haziran
Critical Minds 2011-2012 Takvimi
3 Ekim 2011 pazartesi günü çok amaçlı salonda gerçekleşen genel toplantımızda sunumların ardından, grubumuza özel olarak 2011-2012 eğitim öğretim yılında toplanacağımız tarihlerimizi belirledik.
Buna göre ilk olarak 10 Ekim 2011 Pazartesi günü bir araya gelerek tüm yıl boyunca üzerinde çalışacağımız konularımızı belirleyeceğiz. Herkes bir iki konu ile bu toplantıya katılacak ve aşağıda planlanmış tarihlere göre presenter-facilitator-protokol gibi başlıkları belirleyerek grup planı oluşturacağız.
Critical Minds' Toplanma Tarihleri:
1. Toplantı: 14 Kasım 2011 Pazartesi Saat 15:45-17:00 Lise Binası MUN Odası
2. Toplantı: 12 Aralık 2011 " " "
3. Toplantı: 16 Ocak 2012 " " "
4. Toplantı: 13 Şubat 2012 " " "
5. Toplantı: 2 Nisan 2012 " " "
6. Toplantı: 14 Mayıs 2012 " " "
Özetleme Toplantısı: 13 Şubat 2012 " "
Buna göre ilk olarak 10 Ekim 2011 Pazartesi günü bir araya gelerek tüm yıl boyunca üzerinde çalışacağımız konularımızı belirleyeceğiz. Herkes bir iki konu ile bu toplantıya katılacak ve aşağıda planlanmış tarihlere göre presenter-facilitator-protokol gibi başlıkları belirleyerek grup planı oluşturacağız.
Critical Minds' Toplanma Tarihleri:
1. Toplantı: 14 Kasım 2011 Pazartesi Saat 15:45-17:00 Lise Binası MUN Odası
2. Toplantı: 12 Aralık 2011 " " "
3. Toplantı: 16 Ocak 2012 " " "
4. Toplantı: 13 Şubat 2012 " " "
5. Toplantı: 2 Nisan 2012 " " "
6. Toplantı: 14 Mayıs 2012 " " "
Özetleme Toplantısı: 13 Şubat 2012 " "
Kim Yazmış:
Berna Hamarat Kaya
/ Ne Zaman Yazmış:
Tane Yorum Yazılmış.
Critical Minds
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