It is agreed that the teacher evaluation should be done in 3 stages according to the form chosen.(Diocese of Davenport).The stages are as follows:
1-The teachers should be informed about the evaluation criteria at the beginning of the academic year and within the process.
2-Class observations should be done in three stages:
a-Sharing observation and evaluation criterias before the observation.( pre -conference questions)
b-Doing the class observation according to the accepted criteria.
c-Giving feedback after the class observation .
3-Since class observations are not sufficient for evaluation,the performance of the teachers in their departments should also be taken into consideration. However, as some criteria(work quality,work quantity,relationships,fitness etc.)are not clear enough,they should be enlarged upon concrete grading system.
4-The willingness of the teachers in extra activities should also be taken into consideration.
Share a Book at Lunchtime
Always popular with teenagers, dystopic fiction was on the menu with Eda Ateş (Grade11) sharing her opinions of '1984.' Some of the words/catch phrases in that book have a permanent place in the English language, such as 'Big Brother', 'Doublethink' and 'Newspeak'. I pointed out that when I read '1984' it was 20 years in the future and for audiences today it is 'old hat', set in a time some 30 years ago! After discussing the book we wnet on to recommend other books which might interest a young audience, going back as far as H.G. Wells'"The Time Machine"(1895), Kafka's "Metamorphosis"(1915), Ayn Rand's "Anthem"(1938)up to the present time of Suzanne Collins' "Hunger Games." We also came to the conclusion that as there were so many books written in this genre, that negative situations created a richer source than positive ones. How about a succession of utopic novels?
Nanotechnology for Dummies
We were really pleased that Hande Goncer (Grade 12) had taken time out of her busy exam schedule to share 'Nanotechnology for Dummies' with us. There is hope for us all yet to catch up with such mystifying topics when there is a series like this.You can read them in the original but some of them have also been translated into Turkish. My first introduction to this series was 'Golden Retrievers for Dummies.' Since that time I have been a fervent follower!
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