- Our group name: "The Bald And The Beauties"
- We decided to meet twice a term.
- Venue for Our meetings : The Resource Room next to the English Department in 06A
- Time 15.45 - 17.00
- Meeting dates: December 1, 2010 Wednesday
January 12, 2011 Wednesday
Dates for the 3rd and 4th terms will be decided and announced later.
- Our first topic for December 1, 2010:
" How can we help our gifted students?"
Presenter : Ülkem KARAKAŞ
Facilitator : Beverley EATON
Protocol : ???????? (to be decided soon)
Expected Outcome: A set of solutions, guidelines, ideas to address this issue, and increase the help given to them.
- Our second topic for January 12, 2011:
"How can we encourage students to prepare themselves for lessons during break time? "
Presenter: Ülkem KARAKAŞ
Facilitator: Nihal ÖKTEM
Protocol: ?????(The facilitator and the presenter will work on it)
Supporting Materials: Survey
Expected Outcome: A solution to how to teach students to use their break
time effectively.
- Ground Rules:
1. Be punctual and productive.
2. Active listening and participation.
3. Take turns and do not interrupt each other.
4. No mobile phones.
5. Respect and trust each other; be tolerant.
6. No side conversation.
7. Be positive and constructive.
8. Focus on issues not personalities.
9. Share work load.
10. :)
- Group Members:
Canan Okatan
Beverly Eaton
Duygu Gökçe
Ülkem Karakaş
Elizabeth Dinmez
Gökçe Keskin
Nihal Öktem
Noyan Bingöl
Çiğdem Aygün
Grup isminize bayıldım:))