The first meeting of The Bald and the Beauties was held on 1st December.
I presented the dilemma, Ülkem Karakaş facilitated and we used the Consultancy Protocol.
The dilemma was 'How can we help our 'gifted' students. This question was originally submitted by Handan Bayraktar but I presented the subject from my perspective as an English teacher.
I presented my question to the group and during the subsequent 50 minutes a variety of suggestions were put forward.
Here is a summary of what was discussed:
Differentiated instruction is applied in the high school to deal with mixed ability classes.
Students could be given alternative texts/materials to read outside of lessons that they could present to the other students.
Students could teach the rest of the class under the teacher's supervision.
Additional teachers can take the students out of lessons for special attention but it was
concluded that this is not a long term solution.
Putting students into small mixed ability groups can give the stronger students additional roles and responsibilities.
Assessment of the extra work carried out by the gifted students was discussed but it was decided that assessment is not appropriate here as our aim is simply language enrichment and development.
I received lots of nice ideas and concluded the following:
These 'talented' students could play a part in choosing material to bring to the lesson.
I can use these students as teacher helpers in the lessons.
I can assign different texts for the students to read within the lesson.
I am not alone in feeling that we could be doing more to help these students.
We all agreed that the Consultancy protocol was appropriate for this dilemma.
I would like to thank my Bald and Beautiful group members for their time and positive contributions. Thanks Ülkem for your very professional facilitation skills and thanks to Gökçe for taking great notes. Thanks also to Canan and Gökçe for the snacks. See you next time.
Beverley Eaton
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