How to make students write a proper essay

On 30th May 2012 we had a meeting about the problem which is often seen in English and Turkish lessons inboth primary and high school. It is always a burden for the students when you give them  a subject to think and then to write about.They do not have enough background to fill in the content of their writing.
The presenter was MizanCoşkun and the facilitator MazalDozbahar.
After our discussion, we agreed on the following:
- it is a must to start, in early grades approached step by step , to make them write- a sentence, a paragraph and then an essay.
-the students need clear instructions and guidelines about how to start an essay.
-Students should do peer checking with their essays and note each others’ mistakes (common mistakes can then be examined in class on the board with their names hidden)
-Students should be encouraged to read ( one of the ways for that is to bring a newspaper to class and read the headlines and let them comment on it. Young learners can bring their news and stick it in a separate notebook and write their comments)
-It is a good idea to write a sample essay together with all the students. For example, students can suggest hooks, or thesis statements and the teacher can write the best ones on the board. Then together they can write a collaborative essay.

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