Any Comments?
A class is the sum of its students, not the teacher. To lead you must learn to follow.
Do not admonish harshly or lecture repeatedly. Speak once and expect to be heard.
Good teaching can take few words.
To know others is to be wise. To know oneself is to be enlightened.
Encourage students and do not claim their successes as your own.
I like the part "to lead you must learn to follow". all students want to walk in different directions, and the teacher should be there to observe and understand each ones's way - to follow- in order to then nudge and lead them to a desired goal. It fits with another quote I'd heard: "A teacher should be not a sage on the stage but a guide on the side"
YanıtlaSilOther quotes that I like about Tao Teaching are:
YanıtlaSil-The highly educated teacher tends to respond in terms of one theoretical model or another. It is better to simply respond directly to what is happening here and now.
-The wise teacher keeps egocentricity in check and by doing so becomes even more effective.