Survivors' Second Meeting
How can lunch breaks be healthier and more productive for students?
Presenter: Aylin GERON
Facilitator: Özer Gülen
Protocol: Chalk Talk
Date: 28/12/2010
Survivors' Second Meeting took place on the 28th of December. Our topic was “How can lunch breaks be healthier and more productive for students?”.
Aylin Geron was our presenter and I was the facilitator and we had chosen the Chalk Talk Protocol to discuss the topic.
Aylin started off by her power point presentation about the topic.To access the presentation, please click here.According to protocol, noone was allowed to speak that's why after the presentation had finished, group members were asked to take the board markers so as to write down their own ideas and their comments onto the paper prepared on the board.
To see the photos of the group members while they were in action, click these links.
Photo 1
Özer, you have become a very professional blogger!
YanıtlaSiltogether we achived :)
YanıtlaSilwithout u, it wasn't possible.
thanks alot.