Calling all RAINBOW members: Looking forward to seeing you on Tuesday, 4 December in the Multi-Purpose Hall for our first grand meeting! Please think about the questions before you come as we have to do a lot in a short time! Our questions: 1. How do we measure the extent to which students are developing international understanding? Öğrencilerin uluslararası anlayışı ne derecede geliştirdiklerini nasıl ölçüyoruz? 2. Do we undertake regular audits of the extent to which we are supporting the development of internationally minded students? Uluslararası zihniyette öğrenciler yetiştirmeyi ne ölçüde desteklediğimizi düzenli olarak denetliyormuyuz? Our protocol: Micro Labs

New Session on Dec 4

Dear Critical Minds,
Long time no see!

I apologize for the long long pause in our communication and meetings.

Berna is back at work, busy preparing content for tablets and much other stuff on weekdays, and taking pictures of Burak and posting them everywhere on weekends… It’s a wonder how she finds the strength to leave him at home and come to school.
Meanwhile, both Simge and Hande are following Berna’s lead, but they have a lot to go – probably due in spring…
There must be a fertility bug in our group – so, Sinan??? Is there anything you want to share with us?

Anyway buddies, we have work to do!

You know about the Five Year Report for the CIS Accreditation Process? Well, we said anyone might be asked to pitch in, and here’s the occasion.
There’s a module we have to write, titled “Reflective Statement”. You can find what it is about, in the following link; click click -> “2012 dec 4 session Reflective StatementInternationalism” This document explains how this module is to be carried out. Now, our part is on internationalism; and our task is to talk about the first 2 questions you will find marked in RED. I’ve included the whole document so you can get an idea on the whole thing; but what you need to focus on is just those two questions.
To give you content, on how  internationalism may be practiced in a school setting, I’ve uploaded the CIS document: click click ->Demonstrating Commitment toInternationalism”.
Because the question asks us to look at our Guiding Statements, I’ve also included the latest revised version, click click -> FMV Guiding Statements eng jan 21”.
Now, for the session:
Date: December 4, Tuesday, 15:30 at Multi Purpose Hall (all groups will be working simultaneously – bring ear-plugs!)
Protocol to be used: click click -> Microlabs ( you can find the relevant protocol and a supporting document at ; but because I love you, I uploaded them to this post.)
With your democratic consent ( as is the custom in our country) , I propose to be the facilitator, timekeeper, manager and tyrant of this session.

If you need clarification on any issue, please feel free to call, write, scream.
Please come to the session.
Please come to the session, after having read the materials I’ve sent you.
Thank you, missed you


Please welcome our new group; rainbow.
Idea Under Construction and Busy Bees came together under this new name.


Ladies and Gentlemen, Hoping to see you all on 4 December for a grand reunion! Details coming soon...