Session 1

Session 1 CFG 8&9

Topic: What is the course content for Grade 8 English and what are the expectations of Grade 8 English teachers?

Date: Tuesday 9 November 2010

Time: 15:45

Location: Rm D1 Primary Top Floor

Presenter: Aylin Geron

Facilitator: Will Amosa

Protocol: Tuning

CFG 8&9 Members: Aylin Geron, Sema Tekdoğan, Özlem Bora, Özer Gülen, Jenny Chavush, Nicholas Bawcutt, Will Amosa, Hande A. Yeşilkaya, Evrem Kazma, Ülkem Karakaş

Will opened the meeting by writing the outline of the Tuning Protocol on the board:

  • Intro

  • Presentation

  • Clarifying questions

  • Examining resources

  • Taking notes for feedback

  • Warm/cool feedback

  • Presenter's reflections

  • Debriefing the session

Aylin continued with a very comprehensive presentation of course content.

See following Link:

Group members asked a few questions and then went on to look at course materials, work sheets, exams, essays, journals etc; notes were also made for feedback.

The warm and cool feedback were as follows:


  • Preparation for Term Project well scaffolded/organized (Could be adopted at Secondary level)

  • Well prepared work sheets

  • S friendly exams

  • Common editing policy should be formed for Primary & Secondary

  • Variety of tasks given to ss

  • Important role of HOD in feedback on prepared materials

  • Very clear idea of 8th Grade course content


  • Level of novels? Intense. Can ss cope?

  • What do you do about plagiarization in projects?

  • Could ss be involved in creating the Word Wall?

  • Class sizes?

  • Project groups?

  • Why do so many ss who come to Secondary have gaps in their learning?

Aylin thanked the group and reflected on the following points:


We choose projects that involve ss actively e,g. interview a singer; research a charity

We spend a long time on finding suitable project topics

Journals work well

Word Wall:

We could involve ss by choosing a topic from the Wall and playing a game, classroom activities

Class Sizes:

Class sizes differ, some groups being 10/11 or 12 and some between 20-23

Level of Novels:

We ask ss to read novel to understand what's going on, not to understand it word for word
We have a pre-session to introduce the novel
Ss bring Qs and topics to the class to discuss

Level of English:

Some of the better ss go to other schools e.g. RC, German, French etc and to Anatolian High Schools

Some of the better ss continue at Ayazağa on scholarships

Quite a number of less able ss continue at Ayazağa

English Groups:

Groups are changed 3 times per term and therefore English hours at scheduled at same time

Will ended the session by thanking everyone and said how it had given 9th Grade Ts a really good idea about the 8th Grade curriculum and that the Tuning Protocol had worked well for the session.

Reflections & Feedback from Group Members:

It was a great experience to share our work with high school Ts. I believe that we have so many things we can learn from each other. I was also proud of my co-ordinator. She was awesome! Özlem

It was nice to have a chance to share what we are doing in primary. With the help of this short presentation, I believe our colleagues in high school will appreciate how hard we are working.

Thank you for enlightening us about what is going on in the 8th Grade. You are doing a great job. I hope we could teach the best students from primary. I liked the way the protocol led us.

The protocol went well although the presentation needed more time than expected. Really beneficial the whole meeting was and I believe we (Grade 9 teachers) needed to be informed about all this. Thanks.


This has truly been a fruitful meeting. I'm so happy to see how well everything is organised in Grades 6-8 and how much effort you are putting into your teaching. However, I'm quite sad, I must say that, like Aylin said, what we are getting in Lise is not 'creme de la creme.' Still, seeing the good work here motivated me in a way and came just as I was ready to give up hope. Thanks. I did enjoy it.


It was a really relaxed atmosphere where people felt comfortable to share. However, I believe that we, at times, forgot to take turns in speaking.


The protocol worked really well and everything ran smoothly. However, I still didn't understand what happens when ss come to Lise! Why are they so uninterested and passive?

The rules worked well. The protocol was also very suitable in keeping time fruitful. I was happy to be able to get into contact with high school Ts and we will be able to set our goals more clearly and properly while teaching the ss in 8th Grade.


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